The ALTA Marketplace is your one-stop solution to find the right title industry products and services for your business! With this free, easy-to-use tool, you can search for resources by name, field, location and relevance from more than 100 ALTA member companies. The information provided here is intended to provide high-level guidance to title professionals about the products and services available to them.
Information provided by companies in the ALTA Marketplace is self-reported by those companies. ALTA makes no representations as to the accuracy of the information, and is not liable in the event of any inaccuracies or misrepresentations. We suggest vetting marketplace vendors, as you should with any vendor.
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Search the Marketplace
- Search for a specific business or check the boxes that match your specific needs. You must enter at least one search criteria.
- A keyword match will find an exact match to the string you enter anywhere in the field. This means "title" will find more entries than "land title".
- The more fields you search on, the narrower your search will be.
Associate ALTA Members can add their names to the ALTA Marketplace by adding or updating their products and services information. Agents, Abstracters, and Real Estate Attorneys may purchase a Marketplace subscription and add a listing.
Add or Update your Company's Profile
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