ALTA National Conferences

ALTA ONE is the most important event for the title insurance industry. ALTA ONE features stimulating speakers, dynamic networking opportunities and a forum for keeping up with best practices and regulation changes.
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ALTA EDge (formerly SPRINGBOARD) is the event designed specifically to help title professionals take their businesses to the next level. It is focused on providing proven strategies, practical education and networking opportunities that will accelerate business success for anyone who attends.
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ALTA Advocacy Summit is the premier event that unites ALTA members with federal lawmakers to advance policies that affect American property rights. ALTA Advocacy Summit features round-table discussions and intimate forums on public policies.
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Large Agents Conference
The Large Agents Conference is specifically geared towards large agent companies and industry executives. Industry updates, roundtable discussions, and networking dinners make this informative meeting a can't miss experience.
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The Consumer Marketing Workshops are designed to help title agents build relationships with homeowners, lenders and real estate agents and connect with them earlier in the transaction. The workshops are held virtually.
Commercial Network
Created solely for the commercial title space, ALTA Commercial Network is designed by your commercial title peers with you, the expert, in mind. If you work in the commercial market, you need to make this the meeting you attend.
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