How do I become a member?

First, you must establish what type of membership you qualify for:

Types of Membership

  • Active Membership
    Active membership is restricted to business entities that primarily engage and are legally qualified to engage in the business of land title evidencing as an abstracter, title insurance agent or title insurance underwriter. Active members may vote in Association elections and hold committee and elected positions.
  • Associate Membership
    Associate membership is reserved for those people or firms engaged in providing services to the land title industry. Examples of such persons or firms are attorneys, surveyors, automation vendors, counsels to lenders or life insurance companies and governmental agencies.
  • Real Estate Attorney Membership
    The attorney membership is designed to specifically meet the needs of individual real estate attorneys. Unlike corporate or law firm members, these individual attorneys do not primarily engage in the business of land title evidencing or insuring and who practice real estate law and provide title, closing and settlement services.
  • Emeritus Membership
    This class of membership is open to retired members of the title industry, provided that they are not eligible for any other type of membership.

How much does membership cost?

For Active members, dues are calculated according to gross revenue from the previous year, starting at $500 and going up to $15,000. (Most of our members pay closer to the minimum than to the maximum). Click here to see the complete dues schedule. New companies, who have no previous year to go by, should pay the minimum. Associate membership costs $600 a year.  Attorney membership costs $350 a year.  Emeritus membership costs $115 a year.

What is required to apply for membership?

Simply complete the online application. The ALTA® membership year runs from January through December, regardless of when dues are paid. The only exception is for dues paid from October to December  will count for the next year's membership (and include the remaining months of the current year).

What are the benefits of membership?

ALTA® is the only trade association serving as the national voice for the interests of the land title industry. ALTA is in constant touch with Congress on legislative issues, and may join with one or more affiliated state title associations in a position on state legislation. 

ALTA® gathers information regarding the industry for the use and benefit of ALTA® members. We publish various publications on the industry, the foremost of which is Title News, ALTA®'s monthly magazine. Title News contains information and articles geared specifically for the land title industry as well as general business articles on subjects that affect everyone in the entire real estate industry. Twice a week the top stories impacting the title industry are brought to you by email through Title News Online. This news vehicle provides business strategies, sales and marketing tips, industry trends, professional profiles, shows how ALTA initiatives help promote the title insurance industry, gives updates on grassroots efforts, and much more. Much like the printed version of Title News, Title News Online strives to provide timely industry updates that you need to maintain a competitive edge over your competition.

In addition, ALTA® offers many forms of Education, both through the Land Title Institute (DVD’s, correspondence courses and regional seminars) and through the three major meetings - the Annual Convention, Business Strategies Conference and the Federal Conference.  Many of our educational seminars qualify for Continuing Education units or Continuing Legal Education credits.

ALTA® offers several major meetings throughout the year using a diverse array of professional development programming formats including: the Annual Convention, Business Strategies Conference and the Federal Conference, Small Agents and Abstracters Meeting and the large Agents and Abstracters Meeting.  Members enjoy special exclusive discounts when attending.

ALTA also offers its members many professional resources such as the ALTA Policy Forms License, ALTA Membership Directory, Errors and Omissions Insurance, MERS Online Subscription and membership discounts for shipping through UPS.

How do I find out more about...

Errors and Omissions Insurance? Contact Capital Professional Insurance Managers at 1-800-628-5136.

How long does it take to become a member?

Once we receive an application and dues payment, that applicant will be treated as a member. It takes approximately 3-5 business days to process the information into the database and you will receive your membership packet shortly and email publications immediately. You will also be entitled to receive the discounted member rate on any transactions (conventions, publications, etc.).

More questions?

Please contact the Membership Department at [email protected] or at 1-800-787-ALTA or 1-202-296-3671, ext.228.