Bill Requires Outsourcing Notice

November 27, 2007

WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Ted Poe (TX-02) filed the Notify Americans Before Outsourcing Personal Information Act to prohibit the transfer of personal information to any person or business outside the United States without prior notice. This bill will require businesses to notify the consumer 90-days in advance that their personal information will be sent to a foreign country.

Currently, some financial institutions contract with companies that operate in foreign countries. Many of these documents sent to foreign countries have personal identifiable information used on loan applications and the consumer was not made aware of this practice.

“Outsourcing jobs is one thing, but outsourcing personal information without notifying the consumer is another completely,” said Poe. “The problem isn’t that the information is stored there. The problem is that no one knows their information is outsourced. Consumers should have the choice whether or not to continue to do business with a bank that outsources their personal information. My bill would require banks to be honest with Americans and not hide this information in a small font somewhere on the back of a form. Banks must send that notice separate from any other disclosure or information and the notice must be written in easily understandable, plain language.”

Notify Americans Before Outsourcing Personal Information Act:

  • · A business shall not transfer personally identifiable information regarding a citizen of the United States to any foreign affiliate or subcontractor located in another country without providing that citizen written notice that such information may be transferred to such foreign affiliate or subcontractor.
  • · Plain Language Requirement – Written notice must be sent by mail and separate from any other financial disclosure or information. It must be written in easily understandable, plain language.
  • · Notice Period – Written notice must be provided to a citizen of the United States at least ninety (90) days before such information may be transferred to any foreign affiliate or subcontractor.

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