ALTA Good Deeds Foundation Appoints New Board Member

November 14, 2023

The ALTA Good Deeds Foundation (AGDF) recently appointed Wendy Ethen to its Board of Directors.

Ethan is president and owner of Guaranty Commercial Title Inc. in Minneapolis. A Certified Real Property Law Specialist, she has over two decades of experience as a title insurance professional and serves on several ALTA Engagement Groups, including the Abstracters and Title Insurance Agents Section Executive Committee, Research and Analytics Committee and Discriminatory Covenants Work Group.

“I am honored to be appointed to the Foundation’s Board of Directors,” Ethen said. “I am passionate about the fight for affordable housing, and I have been incredibly impressed with what the Foundation has done in just three years. Having raised more than $1.2 million and awarded more than $844,000 in grants, the Foundation has done some incredibly meaningful work for local communities across the U.S.”

Ethen champions affordable housing and economic development in the Twin Cities area by serving on the Board of Directors for Amplio, Rethos and Metro Affordable Housing; she also is active with the Twin Cities Housing Alliance and Urban Land Institute’s Market Council, all of which work toward improving housing options and economic vibrancy for the communities where she works.   

“I am excited to welcome Wendy to the Foundation Board,” said Mary O’Donnell, AGDF chair and president and CEO of Westcor Land Title Insurance Co. “Wendy has been heavily engaged with the title insurance industry and will have an immediate impact on the Foundation’s growth. I know she will strive to accomplish big goals in her new position.”

The ALTA Good Deeds Foundation was launched in 2020 to bolster the charitable efforts of ALTA members. Land title insurance professionals can apply for grants on behalf of recognized 501(c)(3) organizations that they support financially or through volunteer efforts; preference is given to housing-related charities. The next round of grants will be announced in March 2024.

“We are so pleased to have Wendy join the ALTA Good Deeds Foundation Board,” said Diane Tomb, ALTA CEO and Foundation Board member. “She brings expertise and a fresh perspective to this role, which will allow us to support even more ALTA members’ efforts in addressing affordable housing issues in local communities across the country.”

Contact ALTA at 202-296-3671 or [email protected].