Warning: Watch for Spoof ALTA Email

October 24, 2017

ALTA has learned that there is a spam/spoof email that appears to be coming from ALTA.

The email appears to be from the American Land Title Association, but is actually coming from a Comcast address. The email has the subject line: “Important Updates And Changes To Member Directory.”

Please take the appropriate steps by not opening the attachment, clicking on links in the email, blocking this email in your email client or message filter and alerting your company's Information Technology team in the event you clicked the link.  

The body of the email reads:

In order to create a unified Lender list and as a result of recent surges in demand for Land & Title Professionals in recent times, we have come up with a database of active Lenders nationwide. This is to help Realtors have statewide access to Lenders, to assist new members for mentorship purposes and education while also maintaining professional ethics and standards.

In Lieu of this please look through attached Member Directory PDF list and ensure your contact information; Email, Contact Address, License/Registration Name, Lic/Reg # & Chapter is correctly represented

American Land Title Association

1800 M Street, NW, Suite 300S

Washington, DC  20036-5828

  1. 202.296.3771
  2. 202.223.5243

CORP NMLS# 237341 ; ALTA In Conjunction With Lender American Financial Network, Inc. 10 Pointe Drive, Suite 330, Brea, CA 92821.

Access our current licensing information as listed on NMLS® Consumer Access.

American Land Title Association is an Equal Housing Lender. As prohibited by federal law, we do not engage in business practices that discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, age (provided you have the capacity to enter into a binding contract), because all or part of your income may be derived from any public assistance program, or because you have, in good faith, exercised any right under the Consumer Credit Protection Act. The federal agency that administers our compliance with these federal laws is the Federal Trade Commission, Equal Credit Opportunity, Washington, DC, 20580.

Contact ALTA at 202-296-3671 or [email protected].