Wells Fargo Top Commercial/Multifamily Originator in 2013

April 1, 2014

Wells Fargo was the top commercial/multifamily mortgage originator in 2013, according to a set of commercial/multifamily real estate finance league tables prepared by MBA. Other top originators include J.P. Morgan Chase & Company, Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Eastdil Secured, KeyBank, PNC Real Estate, HFF LP, Meridian Capital Group LLC, CBRE Capital Markets and Prudential Mortgage Capital Company.

The MBA study presents a set of listings of 117 different commercial/multifamily mortgage originators, their 2013 volumes and the different roles they play. The report, Commercial Real Estate/Multifamily Finance Firms - Annual Origination Volumes, presents origination volumes in more than 140 categories, including by role, by investor group, by property type, by financing structure type and by location of the originating office.

Nine different companies were at the top of the 11 lists reporting total originations by investor groups:

  • Wells Fargo topped the list of total origination volumes
  • J.P. Morgan Chase & Company and Eastdil Secured were the top originators for commercial mortgage-backed securities (CMBS)
  • Bank of America Merrill Lynch and PNC Real Estate were the top originators for commercial bank loans
  • MetLife Real Estate Investors and Prudential Mortgage Capital were the top originators for life insurance companies
  • Wells Fargo and Walker & Dunlop were the top originators for Fannie Mae
  • CBRE Capital Markets Inc. and Berkadia were the top originators for Freddie Mac
  • Red Mortgage Capital LLC and Greystone were the top originators for FHA/Ginnie Mae
  • TIAA-CREF and JLL were the top originators for pension funds
  • CBRE Capital Markets and HFF LP were the top originators for credit companies
  • KeyBank and Eastdil Secured were the top originators for REITS, Mortgage REITS and Investment Funds
  • Mesa West Capital LLC and Meridian Capital Group were the top originators for specialty finance
  • Wells Fargo and HFF LP were the top originators for the “other investors” category
By dollar volume, the top five originators for third parties in 2013 were Eastdil Secured, HFF, L.P., Meridian Capital Group, CBRE Capital Markets and KeyBank. The top five lenders in 2013 were Wells Fargo, J.P. Morgan Chase & Company, Bank of America Merrill Lynch, KeyBank and PNC Real Estate.

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