TSS Adds Ernst Publishing Calculation Features to Cloud Solution

April 12, 2011

TSS Software Corporation announced a new integration with Ernst Publishing that provides SmartQuery II recording fee calculations for TitleSphere subscribers.

TitleSphere is TSS’s Web-based solution with complete HUD-1 preparation. This integration allows TitleSphere subscribers to purchase query credits in the TitleSphere online store. These credits are used to obtain recording fee calculations from Ernst Publishing directly in their orders.

“Ernsts’ Smart Query II comprehensive recording fee and transfer tax calculations gives our TitleSphere subscribers instant access to fees in any jurisdiction in the United States,” said Barbara Miller, TSS president and chief operating officer. “TitleSphere subscribers now have this functionality available without having to leave their solution.”

To sign up for a free 30-day trial of TitleSphere and experience the benefits of a cloud computing solution, visit TitleSphere.com .

Contact ALTA at 202-296-3671 or [email protected].