
April 19, 2002


Inman News Features

Patrick F. Stone is all for streamlining.

In fact, the president of Fidelity National Financial, CEO of Fidelity National Information Solutions and co-chairman of Micro General believes the industry?s inefficiencies create a huge upside for potential profit in the real estate transaction.

Stone, 54, is seeking to start that streamlining at the real estate salesperson?s desktop. The Fidelity National companies provide products for just about every home and loan service imaginable, include comparative market analyses, printing services, customer relations and MLS data.

Fidelity National Financial two years ago acquired Chicago Title Corp. and its title insurance subsidiaries Chicago Title, Ticor Title and Security Union Title, creating one of the world's largest title insurance organizations.

Stone was on board Aug. 1 when FNIS was created as part of a merger of Fidelity National Financial and VISTA Information. Fidelity National contributed its tax, flood, credit and valuation companies while VISTA chipped in its MLS services component.

Here?s a streamlined look at a top executives in one of real estate?s biggest companies:

Job description: Oversee and drive the coordinated approach of the Fidelity family of companies in serving the needs of the real estate industry.

Most important business goal accomplished recently: Successful integration of Chicago Title into the FNF family of companies.

Biggest recurring business problem or headache: Keeping a sharp focus at the operational level.

Biggest misperception other people have about your company:That title insurance companies have no losses.

Most important trend in the real estate industry today: The influence of the secondary market on risk assumption and the transaction processes.

Suppose you had a magic wand that could change anything you wanted about the real estate. What you would change? Insular fragmented nature of the participants.

Best business decision you ever made: Joining Fidelity National Financial

Worst business decision you ever made: Developing a high-end residential subdivision.

Most important ethical consideration in business decisions: Equitable fairness

Education: Bachelor?s degree in history from Oregon State University.

First real job: U.S. Army 1967-70

What you always wanted to be when you grew up: A history professor

Favorite movie: "A Thousand Clowns"

Favorite Web site: Yahoo Finance

Hobbies/interests: Golfing and gardening

If you could drop everything for one week, what would you do? Play with my daughter and golf

What is the best $1 investment? The New York Times

Who is your hero? My dad, a man of uncompromising integrity whose memory is my conscience.

Patrick Stone will speak at Real Estate Connectin San Francisco July 24-26 .

Copyright: Inman News Service

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