ATIM Opens Meeting, Elects Officers

April 12, 2002

The Association for Title Information Management (ATIM) opened it?s 17th Annual Meeting at La Mansion del Rio on San Antonio?s Riverwalk this morning. Over one hundred attendees were welcomed by ATIM President Doug Bello of D. Bello Associates, Inc., Burbank, CA. Before the program began, new officers were elected:


Peter J. Biglin, SKLD Information Services, LLC, Denver, CO

1st V.P.

Linda Larson, Old Republic National Title Ins., Minneapolis, MN

2nd V.P.

John N. Sayers, Attorneys? Title Ins. Fund, Orlando, FL


James P. Sibley, Title Data, Inc., Houston, TX


Amy Sabourin, Computerized Title Records, Santa Rosa, CA

The morning?s first session, "A View From The Top," found John Hollenbeck, First American Corporation, and Ernie Smith, Fidelity National Financial, discussing strategies for success. They agreed that centralized processing is the key to keeping costs down, taking advantage of economies of scale, and improving productivity. Hollenbeck focused on the importance of standardized products, quick turnaround, and a wide geographic range of service. He indicated that First American is planing on a "handful" of direct operations around the country, reducing the number from the original 400 to, perhaps, 10. Smith discussed the perils of depending heavily on futurists? predictions when making business decisions. He shared Fidelity?s plan to create a Windows and browser-based system that will operate from one centralized location in Chicago and, ideally, route orders to the employees best suited to complete tasks most quickly and accurately.

Other panel sessions scheduled for the two-day conference include: "Outsourcing Keying (and Posting) Offshore," "County Clerks/Recorders Forum," "Technology Trends . . . A Year Later," "The Leading Edge: Applying Technology to the Process," and "The Independents: What?s the View Outside the Santas? (Barbara, Ana)"

ATIM is a non-profit, unincorporated organization which exists solely to sponsor an annual conference to discuss land title plants and the role they play or will play in the real estate transaction (and the title insurance industry in particular). For more information, contact ATIM President Peter Biglin at 303-820-0899 or Secretary Jay Sibley at 713-880-2600 or[email protected]

Source: ATIM

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