Images Get Automated

March 21, 2002

SourceNet To Use iPix To Put Photos Into Appraisals And Price Opinions

Inman News Features

Imaging systems company Internet Pictures Corp. (NASDAQ: IPIX) today announced that Source One Services Corp. has integrated Rimfire imaging services into its SourceNet system to automate the submission and viewing of appraisal photos.

SourceNet is Source One?s Internet-enabled system that allow the financial services industry to enter, track and review nationwide residential real estate valuation requests using a standard Web browser, according to the company. Appraisals and broker price opinions, including attachments and photos, may be reviewed online through SourceNet.

Prior to integrating Rimfire, SourceNet clients submitted photos through a proprietary system that required manual processes and slowed down the process, according to the company.

"Rimfire technology allows us to quickly and cost-effectively accept, then deliver photos integral to the appraisal process," said Michael Underwood, chief technology officer for Source One Services. "By outsourcing our imaging service to iPIX, we can reduce operating expenses, speed processing and improve the reliability of our service."

One Services provides nationwide appraisal and broker price opinion management services for loan servicing and asset management.

Copyright: Inman News Service

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