Brownfields Battle

March 11, 2002

Home Builders Group Wants More Clean-up Legislation

Inman News Features

H.R. 2941, the Brownfields Redevelopment Enhancement Act of 2001, sponsored by Reps. Gary Miller (R-Calif.) and Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.), will enhance local brownfields development and spark private and public sector involvement in urban and rural revitalization efforts, according to an association of the nation's home builders.

Charles Kasko, a home builder from Shavertown, Pa., who testified on behalf of the National Association of Home Builders, told Congress the bill would open up vital new tools for state and local government funding through revisions to several U.S. Department of Housing and Development programs.

"By removing federal barriers to brownfields redevelopment funds, the proposals contained in this bill will pave the way for much needed economic development and housing production to take place in communities throughout the nation," Kasko told the House Housing and Community Opportunity Subcommittee.

"The new brownfields law was a good first step in meeting this priority," he said. "However, the new law fails to grant liability relief to innocent land parties for sites contaminated with petroleum. Because approximately half of the brownfields sites in this country are contaminated with petroleum, NAHB will continue to push for enactment of narrow liability relief for petroleum sites."

The Washington-based National Association of Home Builders is a trade association representing more than 205,000 members.

Copyright: Inman News Service

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