Closepin Launches Tool to Locate E-closing-Enabled Closing Agents

March 25, 2019

Closepin launched a tool that assists lenders to conduct digital closings by finding title companies that can conduct e-closings.

“Lenders are looking for ways to offer digital closings to those customers that want them, but to do so requires an entire ecosystem of partners,” said Ryan Peterson, executive vice president of Westcor Global, the creators of Closepin. “One of the biggest challenges has been finding closing agent partners who are equipped to manage these transactions.”

Freddie Mac has included a link to the Closepin search tool on one of its e-mortgage pages to help sellers find e-closing-enabled closing agents.

“Freddie Mac is constantly working to find ways to innovate and improve the mortgage lending process,” said Samuel E. Oliver III, vice president of Freddie Mac’s Single-Family Customer Technologies. “One of the many ways we do this, is by addressing barriers to e-mortgage adoption in our industry. Providing access to information and resources, like Closepin’s e-closing agent search tool, helps simplify and streamline the mortgage process for both lenders and their borrowers.”

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