What is TIPAC?


The Title Industry Political Action Committee (TIPAC) is the voluntary, non-partisan Political Action Committee (PAC) of the America Land Title Association. It is the only PAC that directly represents the interest of the title industry in our nation's political system. TIPAC raises money to help elect and re-elect candidates to Congress who understand and support the issues affecting the title industry.

Diamond ($5,000)

Christopher Abbinante
Jim Blair IV
Randall E Bradley
Liz Halabu Casselman Esq., CLTP, NTP
William P. Foley II
John Freyer Sr.
Monica Gilroy NTP
Rich Griffin NTP
Craig Haskins
Paul A. Hofmann WTP
Cornelia M. Horner CMP
Don Kennedy
Parker S. Kennedy
Brent J. Laliberte NTP
Michael J. Nolan
Donald A. O'Neill
Maureen Pfaff NTP, WTP
Brian Pitman
Kelly Lyn Romeo CAE
Tara Smith
Chris H St. John KTP, NTP
Lisa M Steele
Quinn H. Stufflebeam
Mary Thomas
Diane Tomb
Stephen Vincini
Kevin R. Wall
Quintus Williams
John Williams

Emerald ($2,500 - $4,999)

Jeff J. Bluhm
Michael Brandner
Jill A. Bunch
Robert E. Burgess III
Scott T. Chandler CTIS, NTP
Gregory J Chaparro
Kelly Roosa Cohen
Aaron M Davis
Steven G. Day NTP
Cara L. Detring NTP
Wendy Ethen
Nick Hacker
Blake P. Hanby
Gregory M Kosin
Carolyn J. Monroe
Jack Rattikin III
Randy Rempp
Caleb Reppert
David Scott
Richard H. Welshons NTP

Platinum ($1,000 - $2,499)

Gustavo Abello
Andrew Acker
Ellen C Albrecht NTP
Jeffrey Anderson
Tara L. Asquith
Deborah S. Bailey Esq.
Ravi Bapodra
John T Beard
Nicole Beattie
Sam Benne
Cynthia Durham Blair NTP
Elizabeth Blosser
Deborah Boyd
Craig L. Burns
Edson N. Burton Jr.
Charles C Cain
Amanda Calloway
Stephanie Campbell NTP, VCTSA
Richard P. Cannan
Shonna Stock Cardello CLTP, NTP
Margaret Cook
Rebecca Delao
Laura Dishman
Andrea S. Ewan
James A. Fine Jr.
W. Morris Fine
J. Allen Fine
Scott Gillen
Steve Gottheim
Kimberly Hartnett
David Hisey
Curtis Hoffman
Carolyn Hoyer-Abbinante
Marcus Hunt
Roger S Jewkes
JP Kissling
Chris G. Lieser
Michael J Lisanti
David H. Martyn J.D., CLTP
Marianne Mathieu NTP
Brian Maughan
Donald M. Mewhort III
John Miller
C. Bud Moscony
Patricia A Moser
Chris Mule
Jesse Oman
Frank Pellegrini
Scott Pierce
Diane L. Priola
Mark Quandt
Raymond R. Quirk
Craig Rants
Lori A. Rice
Thomas D. Richardson
Michele J. Richardson
William J Richardson
Jeff Rogero
Michael L. Rubin IEP, NTP
Angela Saiz
Sandra Schoen
Bob Sewell III
Dana C. Solms
Joshua Terry
Gerard Thometz
Mark R. Till
John T. Updegraff Jr.
Jennifer Weast
Greg N. Wick NTP
Gavin T Winter
Daniel M. Wold
Robert Wuerfel CLTP
Brooks Yeager
Robert E Zellar

Gold ($500 - $999)

Michael Abbey
Brandi Elaine Abercrombie CESP, CTIP, NTP
Marc Aguilar
Michael Anderson
Chad Armstrong
David Austin
Paula J. Bachmeier NTP
Brian Baize
Sherri Bird
Patti K. Bonner CTIP
Dan Buchanan
Mark Budzinski
George C. Calloway
Tabitha Campbell
Catherine Ceci
Kevin R. Chiarello
Robert O Cohen
Jeff Colby
M. Gordon Daniels
Tom Davis
Talia N Davis
David B. Dunbar
John Dyer
Lisa Engelman
Morris Evans
Delbert L Evans
Peter Filler
Stephen M Gerdes II
Tiffany Green
Scott Green
Michele Green Esq.
Brad L.F. Hoeschen
Cindy Immonen CLTP, NTP
Philip S. Janny CLTP, NTP
Dione Joseph J.D., NTP, OLTP
Brandt Keefe
John King
Jennifer King
Samuel Kitamura
Jeffrey R. Lees NTP
Laura Louise Martin J.D.
John Mashack NTP
Paula M. Maurstad
Nancy J. McHugh
Michael O'Neal
Anthony J. Park
Sonya Pasquini
Dawn Pereyo
Randy D. Pittman
Camille Popiolek
Melissa Popkin Arends
Joseph E. Powell NTP
Todd Rasco
Elizabeth Reilly
TJ Roache
Paul Rodriguez
William D. Rossi
Todd D Rowe Esq., CLTP
James C. Russick
David Saag
Michael C Savas CTIP
Katie Schmidt
Roberta Schneider CLTP, NTP
Marnie Shushok
Paul F. Spano
Joseph Stuart
Eric Swarthout NTP
Suzanne Tahtinen
Nicole Timpanaro
Casey Tomten
Michael Trowbridge
James Tudor
Gary R. Urquhart
Charlie Valdes
Tara Van Rooy
Nathan Warwick
David G. Welshons
Andy Wert
Robyn L Wiggin
Ronald Keith Williams
Richard A. Wilson
John A. Wunderlich
Elizabeth J Wysong Berg ITP, NTP
Jeremy Yohe
Grady Young
Grant Zehner

Silver ($250 - $499)

Becky Abbott
Andrew Adkins
Linda JH Aparo NTP
AnnMarie Arens
David A Armagost
Andrew Bickwit
Jonathan W. Biggs
Heather Bland
Ron Blitenthal
Paula Bochacki
Deanna Bolger
Andi Bolin CESP, NTP
Stephen A Bolla
Alex Brown
DE-Anna Brown CLTP
Patrick Buell
Toni Carroll NTP
Debra S. Cavanaugh
Jackye Chai
Ben Cork
Katherine C Crawford
Melinda Criddle SHRM
Peter C. Croizat
Nicole Davidson
Ken Densmore
Paul Dillard
Ruth A. Dillingham NTP
Brenda Donath
Annette Duda
Mary Jo Edmiston MTP, NTP
Jenifer Ehmann
Rebecca Erickson
Erin Faulkner
Angelia Ficetola
Melissa Fohl
Parrish Fortenberry
Shawn Fox
Kristen Gabriele
Jamie L Gavello
Jeff Geisinger
Wendy S. Gibbons Esq.
Brian K. Glaze
Cindy Guanell ITP, NTP
John Gunasti
Marc Hall
Chad L. Hansen
Vince Hearn
Mark B. Higdon
Kim Holbrook
Jonathan Holfinger Esq., NTP, OLTP
Ernie Houck
Laura Hudkins
Megan Hunt
Scott Jakubowski
James A. Johnson
Kristi Kaufman NTP
Melanie Kido
John T. LaJoie
Carl Langner
Michelle Lenahan
Matthew Lindner
Michael T. Malone KTP, MTP, TPN
Andy Maloney
Tansy Ann Manders
Drew Mandl
Mark Manwaring
Lisa Martin
Jenny Martin
Frank McGovern Esq., CLTP
Scott Merritt
Tina Merritt AHWD
Kevin Mohr KTP
Christopher J. Montalbano
J. Edmund Mullin
Jake Nesselrodt
Carolyn Pampenella
Deb Paoli
Carl Pikus
Andrew J Pitman Esq.
Ethan M Powsner
Rick Preziosi
Clark Pulliam
Ryan Ritter
Jody K. Rogow
Debbie Sauskojus
Adam Schad
Mark W. Schoen
Mike Schwab
Jana Segarra
Samuel D. Shellhaas
Leah Shimp Vass
Sharlene Shineldecker CLTP, NTP
Candi J. Slobodnik KTP, MTP, NTP
Sylvia A. Smith-Turk
John Snelgrove
Kelly A Spengler NTP, OLTP
Taylor A. Spolidoro
Phil Stein
Paul Stine
Stephen R. Streiff
Shawn Sullivan
Sherri Sweeney
Thomas P. Tafuri
Justin Tanner
John Tannous
Nancy Tarr
Becky Taylor NTP
Jeffrey W Thompson Esq.
Cory Thompson
Steve Tjaden
Marissa Vest
John A. Voso Jr., NTP
AnneMarie E Wallette
Robin D. Watts
Kathi Weaver
Keith Wellman
Jeff Wiener
Larry F. Winslow Jr.
Howard L. Winston
Ryan Wood
Steve Yeager
David M. Zawadzki
Shari K. Zissman

TIPAC Education Fund

Diamond ( > $25,000 )

First American Title Insurance Company
FNF Family of Companies
Old Republic National Title Insurance Company

Emerald ($15,000 - $24,999)

Stewart Title Guaranty Company

Platinum ($5,000 - $14,999)

Aegis Land Title Group, LLC
Doma Title Insurance, Inc.
Independence Title
Pioneer Title Agency, Inc.
The Title Team
Westcor Land Title Insurance Company
WFG National Title Insurance Company

Gold ($1000 - $4,999)

Agents National Title Insurance Company
Bluegrass Land Title, LLC
D. Bello
Knight Barry Title, Inc.
Minnesota Land Title Association
The Security Title Guarantee Corp. of Baltimore
Title Financial Corporation

Silver ( < $1000 )

Olympic Peninsula Title Co.

People Have Power

By law, corporations and trade associations cannot contribute to anyone seeking political office or to political parties. But people can. PACs allow individuals with common interests—ALTA members, for example—to pool their resources and directly support candidates of interest to our industry. PACs are the most legal, transparent and federally monitored form of engagement in the political process.

Authorize TIPAC to Solicit Your Employees

The Federal Election Commission (FEC) TIPAC to obtain approval from ALTA members before it can solicit and accept contributions from their employees. Giving permission simply gives TIPAC permission to communicate with your executive and administrative personnel, stockholders and family members of these two groups about TIPAC.

It does not obligate your company or employees to support or contribute to TIPAC.

Permission to Solicit Form
This is not a contribution.

Online Form
This page is password-protected. 

TIPAC Fast Facts
  1. TIPAC can only accept personal contributions from individuals. No corporate contributions are permitted due to Federal Election Commission (FEC) law.
  2. TIPAC "hard dollars" are contributions from individuals that go directly to candidates.
  3. TIPAC "soft dollars" are contributions that can be made with corporate checks or credit cards and are used to cover the administrative expenses of the PAC. Soft dollars cannot be used for campaign contributions.
  1. Every dollar TIPAC raises (over $200) or spends is reported to the FEC and is publicly available at www.fec.gov.
  2. Individuals may contribute up to $5,000 per calendar year to TIPAC. Contributions are NOT tax-deductible.
  3. Contributions to candidates are based on their position on issues affecting the industry, committee assignments, leadership positions and relationships with ALTA members and staff.

TIPAC Candidate Contribution Criteria

TIPAC supports candidates and office holders for the United States Senate & United States House of Representatives whose expressed philosophy or records are consistent with the objectives of the American Land Title Association. Support is provided without regard to party affiliation. TIPAC evaluates contribution requests based on the following criteria:


TIPAC Disbursements

2023 - 2024 TIPAC Disbursements

Primary Considerations
  • Candidates' position and/or voting records on key issues important to the title industry;
  • Candidates' committee assignments and leadership positions;
  • Candidates' likelihood of winning in a given election.
  • A candidate until he/she has filed the appropriate paperwork to get on the ballot;
  • Presidential primary or general election campaigns;
  • Opposing candidates for the same seat;
  • Contributions that can be perceived as being tied directly to a specific vote or party affiliation.
Additional Considerations
  • Candidates who are or have been in the title industry;
  • Candidates who have a personal connection to ALTA leadership and/or staff;
  • PAC member recommendations of candidates who reflect the ideals of ALTA;
  • TIPAC does not typically support challengers over incumbents except in cases where one or more of the above criteria is met or if an incumbent regularly supports issues inconsistent with ALTA positions.

If you would like TIPAC to consider making a contribution to a candidate for the United States Senate or United States House of Representatives, please email your request to Leah Shimp Vass at [email protected]. Your email must answer the following questions:

  • What is the candidate's name, state, party & office sought?
  • Has the candidate ever been in the title industry? If so, please describe.
  • Do you have a personal relationship to the candidate? Ex: Friend, neighbor, owns a rival title company, etc. If so, please describe.
  • What is the requested contribution amount?
  • Is there a fundraising event you would like to attend? If so, please attach a copy of the invitation.
  • Have you contributed personally to this candidate?
  • Are you a TIPAC contributor?