Past ALTA President Mike Currier Passes Away

August 10, 2023

ALTA Past President Mike Currier passed away unexpectedly Aug. 8 in his home in Carlsbad, N.M.

Currier served as ALTA’s 1994-95 president. He also was the 1981-82 president of the New Mexico Land Title Association (NMLTA).

During his time as ALTA president, Currier believed more needed to be done to educate legislators and regulators about title insurance. He encouraged more engagement by title professionals at the federal and state level to advocate for the industry.

Currier was introduced to the title industry while in high school. He made copies for abstracts with a “shaker box” in the darkroom. As technology progressed, he stuffed microfilm into jackets. After graduating college, a family acquaintance, Billy Vaughn, offered Currier a job with Lawyers Title Insurance Co. in Texas. He worked eight years at Lawyer’s Title before joining his family at Guaranty Title.

Currier’s grandfather, George, opened Currier Abstract Co. in 1939 in Artesia, N.M. Currier’s father, Chili, expanded the business in 1969 with the purchase of Guaranty Title Co. in Carlsbad. Mike Currier took over management of the Carlsbad office in 1992. George served as NMLTA president in 1944-45, while Chile served as the 1954-55 president. The Curriers are the only family to have three members serve as NMLTA president.

Currier was known in the industry for his quick wit and love of golf. Parker Kennedy, who preceded Currier as ALTA president, said the two became good friends while serving together on the ALTA board and attending conferences.

"Mike was an exceptional title person and a true advocate for the entire industry—for underwriters and agents alike,” Kennedy said. “Sherry (Kennedy’s wife) and I had lots of fun with Mike and his wife, Linnie, for many years. He called us every year on our anniversary without fail for the last 15 years. We will miss him very much. He was a great friend."

Currier was preceded in death by his wife in 2012. He is survived by a daughter, Missi, who joined her parents at many ALTA events.

Anne Anastasi, ALTA’s 2010-11 president, was recruited years ago to become more involved in ALTA by Currier.

“Mike was enthusiastic about everything,” Anastasi said. “He was loyal and the very essence of life itself. Mike was a sought-after MC for events throughout New Mexico. He was a great man who was respected in business and gave back to the community.”

Anastasi remembers Currier riding down the ballroom aisle on a Brahman bull to get to the stage and give his presidential speech during the 1994 ALTA Annual Convention. At the same conference, Currier’s good friend Roger Staubach served as the keynote speaker. Staubach played quarterback for the Dallas Cowboys for 11 seasons. Currier lost out to Staubach to be the starting quarterback for the New Mexico Military Institute their freshman year.

Mark Bilbrey, ALTA’s 2004-05 president, called Currier an incredible advocate and supporter of the title industry.

“His passion, leadership and commitment helped guide ALTA through some very challenging times,” Bilbrey said. “Mike’s love for our industry was only exceeded by his love for his family. He always had a smile on his face and would make sure you did too. He was my dear friend and partner on many adventures.”

Click here for funeral arrangements. 


Contact ALTA at 202-296-3671 or [email protected].