Technology Is Like a Puzzle

March 26, 2020

During ALTA SPRINGBOARD in Denver, Web Raulston of Team Title Services and Samantha Budzyn of Nexsys Technologies led a discussion on ways title professionals can embrace technology and use it to solve business problems and improve operations.

The speakers examined the “what” and “why” of technology and discussed how to view vendors as partners. The main topics of conversation centered on the business of running the business, title production, digital closings, and how to change attitude and culture toward technology.

“Embracing technology is really about embracing change and not being fearful,” Raulston said. “Technology works like a big puzzle and how it all comes together will be different for each agent. What might be right for one agent, may not be appropriate for another.”

Cost and employee buy-in are two of the major hurdles to implementing new technology, Raulston added.

“You need to help staff understand the benefits of why you’re implementing a piece of technology,” said Budzyn, who participated via video feed from her home office.

Attendees discussed the following technology ideas to drive efficiency:

Business of Running the Business

  • Use an application to track employee hours and allow them to clock in/out
  • Integrate human resources and benefit programs into one platform for employees
  • Use artificial intelligence to open the order/file
  • Take steps to become less paper dependent

Title Production

  • Artificial intelligence to notify customers of file status
  • Automate scheduling of notaries
  • To Vendors: Open your APIs to allow for improved integration with other platforms
  • Technology does not solve the human element
  • Unresolved Issues:
    • Hyperlinking documents is a very time-consuming process on the title side (especially when you have 100+ documents)
    • Affordability of upgrades
    • Software should allow for better communication between departments

Digital Closings

  • Have conversations with lenders, real estate agents and county clerks about remote online notarizations
  • Implement and experiment with RON or hybrid closings on one type of product
  • Survey closers to find out how many documents are being e-signed
  • Vet programs and platforms

Changing the Attitude & Culture Towards Technology

  • Set expectations to employees
  • Make staff involved in the process
  • Make sure your plan has overlap between systems and a contingency plan
  • Identify “champions” who are eager to adopt it
  • Incentivize adoption for employees/branches/etc.
  • Solicit feedback and adjust

Contact ALTA at 202-296-3671 or [email protected].