Inc. Magazine Names RynohLive One of the Fastest-growing Companies in America

August 25, 2015

RynohLive was ranked No. 1022 on Inc. Magazine’s annual list of the fastest-growing private companies in the United States.

Over the past 34 years, Inc. Magazine has ranked companies according to their percentage revenue growth over a three-year period starting in 2011. Notably, Rynoh had a three-year growth percentage rate of 428 percent and a revenue of $2 million in 2014.   

“We are thrilled to be included in the Inc. 5000 list this year,” said Dick Reass, RynohLive CEO and founder. “We have focused on building a unique and innovative solution for the settlement industry that ensures both security and compliance. Our continued dedication to delivering a powerful solution has paid off tremendously. Over the past few years, Rynoh has experienced strong growth and a significant increase in sales and profits.” 

Over the past couple of years, there has been an exponential increase in the adoption of RynohLive as the industry standard for satisfying ALTA’s Best Practices Pillar No. 2 requirements.

“With all of the recent changes in the regulatory climate, RynohLive has worked hard to not only meet but surpass the expectations of regulators and the industry,” said Glen Stout, vice president of marketing and sales for RynohLive. “We understand our clients’ needs, and we also realize that growth is contingent on innovation. I am confident that with our distinctive solution and approach, Rynoh will continue to thrive.”

In order to qualify for the list, companies had to be founded and generating revenue by March 31, 2011. In addition, the companies must be privately owned and U.S.-based. The minimum revenue required for 2011 is $100,000; the minimum for 2014 is $2 million. The full list, including company profiles and an interactive database can be found at

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