Two Minnesota PREP Chapters Hold Meetings

April 3, 2012

Two local Property Records Education Partners (PREP) chapters recently held meetings. The SE Minnesota PREP Chapter met on Feb. 15. The agenda included the following presentations and topics:

  • "You're burying what?": Richard Hoffman with Freeborn County Environmental Services presented the group with changes in Minnesota Statues, Section 17.135 law and forms concerning farm solid waste disposal;
  • Certified copies of documents from the court: Kelly Callahan posed the question to the group on what your organization requires regarding certified copies as an attorney, lender, searcher, closer, title insurer, recorder. Discussion was that most of the time it is an underwriter requirement;
  • Homestead market value exclusions: Mark Krupski with Olmsted County Property Records & Licensing presented an overview of the Homestead Market Value Exclusion and how this replaces the Homestead Credit;
  • The County Recorder's from Mower and Fillmore counties gave their updates. The next PREP Meeting will be held on May 9.
Click here to view complete minutes.

For more information, contact the co-chairs of the SE Minnesota Prep Chapter, contact Kelly Callahan or Jim Ohly.

Meanwhile, the Metro Minnesota PREP Meeting was held on Feb. 9. The agenda included the following:
  • Melissa Taphorn, deputy executive director, Washington County Housing and Redevelopment Authority did a presentation on Foreclosure Mitigation;
  • ERERC updates were given including the current usage rates of the ECRV. 40 counties are currently e-Recording;
  • Legislative updates: the MN Bar will have no real property bills in 2012;
  • The Minnesota Land Title Association (MLTA) has reduced the membership fee for counties to join. A county may join MLTA for $150.00 annually;
  • Purchase money mortgages: MS#358.14;
  • Rejecting documents: Title companies prefer the county return the whole recording package even if only 1 doc is being rejected;
  • Discussion revolved around how counties proceed when a Power of Attorney has been filed in the office previously and today a Satisfaction, by Power of Attorney, is presented for filing in Torrens;
  • New HUD-1 settlement statement draft version, which is now 3 pages long, will be 5 pages long. Title companies report there are many issues with this document;
  • March 14 there will be a CLE course on "Working with Torrens Property" presented. Kimball Foster (Hennepin County) is the course chair;
  • Check out the website; ALTA Advocacy Update 1/30/12 - meeting with Federal Reserve regarding Jan. 4, 2012 white paper. The next meetings in 2012 will be held on these dates: April 12, June 7, Sept. 13 and Nov. 8.
Click here to view complete minutes.

For more on the Metro Minnesota PREP Chapter, contact Jennifer Wagenius or Darlene Missler.

PREP provides a local structured forum for stakeholders of the property records industry to meet and work together more effectively. The association is an alliance formed by Property Records Industry Association (PRIA), the American Land Title Association (ALTA), the American Escrow Association (AEA), the International Association of Clerks, Recorders, Election Officials & Treasurers (IACREOT) and the National Association of County Recorders, Election Officials & Clerks (NACRC).

Click here to view PREP groups around the country.

Click here to read the latest PREP newsletter.

To get involved in a local chapter or for more information, contact one of the national PREP co-chairs, Nick Hacker or Mark Monacelli.

Contact ALTA at 202-296-3671 or [email protected].