RESPA Grassroots Efforts: Senate Banking Committee Hearing on RESPA Scheduled for April 8, 2003

March 30, 2003

As the rulemaking process on HUD's proposed rule on RESPA continues, a Senate Banking Committee Hearing on RESPA has been scheduled for April 8,2003. ALTA will be testifying before the Committee. ALTA previously focused its efforts on getting industry comments to HUD and voicing our concerns to the US House of Representatives It is now time to focus on the Senate.

Please review the list of Senators serving on the Senate Banking Committee. If you have a relationship or are a constituent, please take a moment to call the Senator's office to voice your concerns and ask that they attend the April 8 hearing. For contact information and talking points please see the following.

Contact Charlene Nieman or Ann vom Eigen at 202-296-3671 or via e-mail with any questions.


Contact ALTA at 202-296-3671 or [email protected].