RESPA - It's Not Your Father's HUD-1 Form Any More!

March 9, 2009

The new RESPA rule means critical changes for how you will conduct title closings in the future. A thorough understanding of the requirements for the new HUD-1 Settlement Statement and Good Faith Estimate (GFE) is essential to your agency's success.  Find out how to navigate this sea of changes by attending ALTA's Small Agents and Abstracters Forum, March 21-22, 2009 in Indianapolis, IN. This educational session will not only allow you to learn what new software features you'll need or how cost averaging affects settlement procedures, but you can ask specific questions in order to train and prepare your agency and staff to comply with the new rules.  Take the time to participate in this informative and detailed overview of the new RESPA rule and avoid costly and unnecessary mistakes. Special guest speaker Mary Schuster, a member of ALTA's RESPA Implementation Task Force, will be on hand to review the forms and to answer your questions and concerns. All meeting and meal expenses are billed back to each participant on a pro-rata share basis (excluding the Saturday Night dinner on March 21). The bill back is expected to be about $50 per person.  Register today by visiting the Small Agents and Abstracters Forum web page and to learn more about the program.

Contact ALTA at 202-296-3671 or [email protected].