Update on RESPA Dear Colleague Letter

May 6, 2008

Thank you to all who responded to ALTA's Action Alert I and contacted your Representative to ask him/her to sign the Hinojosa/Biggert Dear Colleague letter. The letter requested an additional 60 days to file comments to HUD on the proposed RESPA Rule. The ALTA Action Center generated almost 3,000 letters to Members of Congress and 149 of your Representatives signed the letter. The letter was sent to HUD on Monday, May 5. Be sure to see if your Representative signed the letter and if so, please send him/her a thank you letter.

While, we hope that HUD will listen to the concerns of the many Members of the U.S. House of Representatives and extend the comment period, ALTA reminds you that the current deadline to submit comments to HUD is May 13, 2008. For more information click here. Please contact Charlene Nieman if you have any questions.

Contact ALTA at 202-296-3671 or [email protected].