First Canadian Title Unveils Lender-Lawyer Connect Mortgage Platform —Dynamic

December 4, 2007

First Canadian Title, Canada’s leading provider of title insurance, is revolutionizing the way in which mortgages are processed through the introduction of a no-cost technology solution that allows lenders and lawyers to collaborate in real-time. Lender-Lawyer Connect™ provides a user-friendly platform that transforms mortgage closings from a compartmentalized series of starts and stops into an integrated, open and dynamic process offering greater control and efficiency.

“What we have created is a highly accurate and efficient collaborative working environment for processing mortgage information and documents,” said Daniela De Tommaso, vice president, First Canadian Title. “Through Lender-Lawyer Connect, both parties are able to access the same information in ‘real time’, which virtually eliminates unnecessary delays, duplication, errors and paper. This seamless process allows lawyers to handle transactions with greater ease and certainty, while at the same time reducing costs.”

Lender-Lawyer Connect™ offers robust document management services, enhanced reporting capabilities and real-time milestone tracking. Whether accessed through a browser or integrated with existing legal conveyancing applications such as The Conveyancer® by Do Process Software Ltd. and OneMove’s econveyance™, Lender-Lawyer Connect™ provides an efficient and effective communication platform for lender and lawyer interactions. The new service builds on First Canadian Title’s proven workflow and data integration expertise, using industry-leading security protocols and scalable technology that supports nationwide initiatives.

“We have listened carefully to the legal community throughout the development phase,” said De Tommaso. “Lender-Lawyer Connect™ is being provided to the lending and legal communities, without charge, to enhance their business success. At First Canadian Title, we know that investment in our customers is just good business and we take pride in ‘Building Success Together’.”

First Canadian Title conducted a systematic review of historic mortgage processing challenges and current technology solutions and expects to see rapid adoption of this innovative industry utility throughout the country.

Source: First Canadian Title

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